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  • Writer's pictureCassie Patterson

Capacity Building Supports - Improved Living Arrangements

This is the sixth instalment in our NDIS Funding Categories series where we discuss what plan categories are available and what they can be used for.

The first 4 blogs in the series covered Core Supports and we're now moving on to Capacity Building Supports. The second instalment is about Improved Living Arrangements funding.

Part 6 - Improved Living Arrangements

Improved Living Arrangements funding can be used for support provided to help a participant find and maintain an appropriate place to live.

This support may include assistance with applying for a rental property, meeting tenancy obligations and ensuring the home is appropriate for the participant's needs. It can also include support to assist with inspecting properties or negotiating contracts or even maintaining ongoing tenancy obligations.

To access this support you'll need to have the Improved Daily Living funding category in your plan which can be requested through the NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator. If there is a need for your current living arrangement to change due to your disability, and don't have sufficient capacity to find appropriate accommodation you may be approved for this funding.

Questions? Contact us at or on 07 4334 0002.

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